
Gwiji Linda Mama

Many of the women we work with are no strangers to gender-based violence (GBV). It is a reality of being poor โ€“ the frustrations associated with hunger, the inability to meet monthly expenses, and incapacity to provide for oneโ€™s children often manifest as violence, where women are the unfortunate victims. In addition to the instability at home, casual cleaners working independently occasionally encounter violent clients who take advantage of their vulnerabilities and refuse to pay them, while asking for unsolicited sexual favors.

At Gwiji, we hug these women, and embrace them. We understand that they have no one to talk to, and they are ashamed of the reality of their lives. Our Linda Mama Program provides these women with a safe space, where they can share and receive counselling for their domestic and work traumas, which are often rooted in unresolved childhood traumas.

As we grow in ability and scope, we want to provide counselling, legal and medical support to the neediest of these women. We envision a future where marginalized women can live and work freely, protected from domestic and gender-based violence.

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